Share the Streets Of Edinburgh Chords and Strumming:
Did You Know? Edinburgh was the place where The Proclaimers spent their formative years so they wrote "Streets of Edinburgh" looking backwards and forwards at the city.
Share the Streets Of Edinburgh Chords and Strumming:
Did You Know? Edinburgh was the place where The Proclaimers spent their formative years so they wrote "Streets of Edinburgh" looking backwards and forwards at the city.
Share the Jersey Giant Chords and Strumming:
Did You Know? Jersey Giant was written by Tyler Chiders and he uploaded a stripped down acoustic demo of the song in 2012 but never formally recorded it. Instead he gave the song to Elle King to record in 2022.
Share the Two Of Us Chords and Strumming:
Did You Know? The song was originally written about Paul McCartney's late night drives around London with his wife Linda. But as the song progressed and the beginning of the end of the Beatles arrived it began to take on shades of meaning through the lens of Paul MCcartney and John Lennons relationship.
Share the Friend Of The Devil Chords and Strumming:
Did You Know? The music for Friend Of The Devil was written by performing members of the Grateful Dead Jerry Garcia and John Dawson. But the lyrics were written by Robert Hunter who was a non-performing member of the band. Robert Hunter is the only non-performing member of a band to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Share the Red Red Wine Chords and Strumming:
Share the Hard Days Night Chords and Strumming:
Did You Know? The bizarre and mysterious chord at the very beginning of the song it made from 2 guitars, 1 bass and a piano layered on top of each other playing different chords.
Share the Sam Stone Chords and Strumming: