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If you want to go from where you are now to confidently playing your favourite songs quickly, without frustration or confusion with my personal help…

Then, let’s talk

We’ll have a 45 minute call over zoom and we’ll start by diagnosing your current situation. Then we’ll see if my process will work for you. Sometimes it will, sometimes it won’t. I’ll be totally honest about that and map out an action plan to get you playing your favourite songs quickly.

This will be the most valuable 45 minutes you invest in your guitar playing this year.

Who is this for?

– It’s for adults who want to play their favourite songs on acoustic or electric guitar

– Beginners or people who have tried before and got frustrated

– Those who want personal help, feedback and guidance on their guitar playing

– People who understand that they need to have skin in the game

So if this sounds like you, and you want to get playing guitar for real

Book a call with me now: –

Yes, I want to book a call