Did You Know? Always on Mind Mind was co-written by 3 song writers Wayne Carson, Johnny Christopher and Mark James.
It began with a phone call between Wayne Carson and his wife where would be delayed from coming home for 10 days to finish a project and he said to her - 'Well, I know I’ve been gone a lot, but I’ve been thinking about you all the time.'. He then quickly got off the phone and started to write the song.
As it didn't come together he showed it first to Johnny Christopher to contribute too and then Mark James and they completed it together.
As Mark James previously write Suspicious Minds for Elvis, it's assumed that Always On My Mind was written for Elvis, but Carson explained it was written for for every man, 'it was one long apology. It’s sort of like all guys who screw up and would love nothing better than to pick up the phone and call their wives and say, "Listen, honey, I could have done better, but I want you to know that you were always on my mind.'"