Share The Times A Wastin Chords And Strumming:
Did You Know? Times A Wastin was recorded by June Carter and her first husband Carl Smith. June later married Johnny Cash and became June Carter Cash.
Share The Times A Wastin Chords And Strumming:
Did You Know? Times A Wastin was recorded by June Carter and her first husband Carl Smith. June later married Johnny Cash and became June Carter Cash.
Share the In My Room Chords And Strumming:
Did You Know? In My Room was written by Brian Wilson because he felt that his room was his whole world, he said: "I had a room, and I thought of it as my kingdom. And I wrote that song, very definitely, that you're not afraid when you're in your room. It's absolutely true."
Share The One Of Us Chords And Strumming:
Did You Know? One Of Us was written by Eric Bazilian from the band The Hooters. He said 'I wrote that song one night — the quickest song I ever wrote — to impress a girl. Which worked, because we're married and have two kids.'
Share The Empty Chairs Chords And Strumming:
Did You Know? Empty Chairs just like the song Vincent was also inspired by paintings of Van Gogh. Seeing Don Mclean perform Empty Chairs was also the inspiration for writing the song Killing Me Softly With His Song.
Share The Don't Stop Chords And Strumming:
Did You Know? Christine McVie wrote this about her husband and fellow Fleetwood Mac member John McVie it's about them going their separate ways.
Share The River Chords And Strumming:
Did You Know? Bruce Springsteen wrote The River as a tribute to his sister and her husband. In an interview his sister Ginny stated that it was a precise description of the couples' early life together.
Share The Its All Going To Pot Chords And Strumming:
Did You Know? Its All Going To Pot is a collaboration between Willie Nelson and Merle Haggard and is the lead single from last studio album that Merle recorded called Django and Jimmie.
Share The Dead End Street Chords And Strumming:
Did You Know? Dead End Street wasn't on any albums by The Kinks but was released as a stand alone single. It's considered by NME to be in the top 100 singles of all time.
Share The Atlantic City Chords And Strumming:
Did You Know? Atlantic City was originally called Fistfull Of Dollars after the Clint Eastwood film. He recorded it in his bedroom on a 4 track recorder and played all the parts himself.
Share The Surfer Girl Chords And Strumming:
Did You Know? Surfer Girl was the very first song written by Brian Wilson when he was 19 years old