Nothing Ever Happens Chords And Strumming, Del Amitri

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Did You Know? Nothing Ever Happens is Del Amitri's most successful song and was released in 1989. 

Del Amitri are from Glasgow in Scotland and invented their name to be intentionally meaningless. 


Difficulty Level Of Original Recorded Song: Blue Pick

Most Advanced Rhythm:  White Pick 

Most Advanced Chord Change: Blue Pick (Yellow Pick when played with open anchor chords, (Orange Pick when played with open chords)

Click to scroll to the version for your level:

Yellow Pick Level

Nothing Ever Happens Chords And Strumming, Del Amitri

Open Chords: (capo fret 5)

Open C chord

Open Fmaj7 chord (F∆7)                 

Open Gadd4 chord

Open Am chord

Open Dsus2 chord: xx0230


"Waltz Steps":    |D    D U D U |

"1 Strum":         |D               |

Tempo: 213 bpm Key: F

Intro -

|C - - |C - - |C - - |C - - | | x 2

Verse 1 -

|C - - |C - - |C - - |C - - 

  |Am - - - |Am - - - |Am - - - |Am - - - | | x 2

|F∆7 - - |F∆7 - - |C -|C - - |

  |Gadd4 - |Gadd4 - - |F∆7 - - |F∆7 - - | | x 2

  |F∆7 - |F∆7 - -

  |C - - |C - - |F∆7 - |F∆7 - - 

  |C - - |C - - |C - - |C - - 

(Cx4)Post office clerks put up signs saying "Position (Amx4)Closed"
(Cx4)secretaries turn off typewriters and put on their (Amx4)coats
(F∆7x2)janitors padlock the (Cx2)gates
For se
(Gadd4x2)curity guards to pa(F∆7x2)trol
(F∆7x2)bachelors phone up their (Cx2)friends for a drink
While the
(Gadd4x2)married ones turn on a (F∆7x4)chat show
And they'll
(Cx2)all be lonely to(F∆7x2)night and lonely to(Cx4)morrow

Verse 2 -

|C - - |C - - |C - - |C - - 

  |Am - - - |Am - - - |Am - - - |Am - - - | | x 2

  |F∆7 - - |F∆7 - - |C - - |C - - |

  |Gadd4 - |Gadd4 - - |F∆7 - |F∆7 - - 

  |F∆7 - - |F∆7 - -

  |C - - |C - - |Gadd4 - - |Gadd4 - - |

  |F∆7 - - |F∆7 - - |F∆7 - |F∆7 - - 


(Cx4)"Gentlemen time please, you know we can't serve any(Amx4)more"
Now the
(Cx4)traffic lights change to stop, when there's nothing to (Amx4)go
And by
(F∆7x2)five o'clock everything's (Cx2)dead
(Gadd4x2)every third car is a (F∆7x4)cab
And ignorant people
(Cx2)sleep in their beds
Like the
(Gadd4x2)doped white mice in the (F∆7x4)college lab

Chorus -

| |C - - |C - - |F∆7 - |F∆7 - - | | x 2

  |Am - - - |Am - - - |F∆7 - |F∆7 - - 

  |Gadd4 - |Gadd4 - - |F∆7 - |F∆7 - - 

  |C - - |C - - |F∆7 - |F∆7 - - 

  |C - - |C - - |C - - |C - - 


And (Cx2)nothing ever (F∆7x2)happens (Cx2nothing happens at (F∆7x2)all
(Amx2)needle returns to the (F∆7x2)start of the song
And we
(Gadd4x2)all sing along like be(F∆7x2)fore
And we'll
(Cx2)all be lonely to(F∆7x2)night and lonely to(Cx4)morrow

Verse 3 -

|C - - |C - - |C - - |C - - 

  |Am - - - |Am - - - |Am - - - |Am - - - | | x 2

  |F∆7 - - |F∆7 - - |C - - |C - - |

  |Gadd4 - |Gadd4 - - |F∆7 - |F∆7 - - 

  |F∆7 - - |F∆7 - - 

  |C - - |C - - |Gadd4 - - |Gadd4 - - |

  |F∆7 - - |F∆7 - - |F∆7 - |F∆7 - - 


(Cx4)Telephone exchanges click while there's nobody (Amx4)there
(Cx4)Martians could land in the car park and no one would (Amx4)care
(F∆7x2)Closed-circuit cameras in (Cx2)department stores
Shoot the
(Gadd4x2)same movie every (F∆7x4)day
And the stars of these films neither
(Cx2)die nor get killed
Just sur
(Gadd4x2)vive constant action (F∆7x4)replay

Chorus -

| |C - - |C - - |F∆7 - |F∆7 - - | | x 2

  |Am - - - |Am - - - |F∆7 - |F∆7 - - 

  |Gadd4 - |Gadd4 - - |F∆7 - |F∆7 - - 

  |C - - |C - - |F∆7 - |F∆7 - - 

  |C - - |C - - |C - - |C - - 


And (Cx2)nothing ever (F∆7x2)happens (Cx2nothing happens at (F∆7x2)all
 (Amx2)needle returns to the (F∆7x2)start of the song
And we
 (Gadd4x2)all sing along like be(F∆7x2)fore
And we'll
 (Cx2)all be lonely to(F∆7x2)night and lonely to(Cx4)morrow

Middle 8 -

|Dsus2 -|Dsus2 - - |Dsus2 - - |Dsus2 - - |

  |Am - - - |Am - - - |Am - - - |Am - - - | | x 2

| |C - - |C - - |Dsus2 - |Dsus2 - - | | x 2

 |C - - |C - - |C - - |C - - 

Verse 4 -

|C - - |C - - |C - - |C - - 

  |Am - - - |Am - - - |Am - - - |Am - - - | | x 2

  |F∆7 - - |F∆7 - - |C - - |C - - |

  |Gadd4 - |Gadd4 - - |F∆7 - |F∆7 - - 

  |F∆7 - - |F∆7 - - 

  |C - - |C - - |Gadd4 - - |Gadd4 - - |

  |F∆7 - - |F∆7 - - |F∆7 - |F∆7 - - 


And (Cx4)bill hoardings advertise products that nobody (Amx4)needs
(Cx4)"Angry from Manchester" writes to complain about (Amx4)all the repeats on TV
(F∆7x2)Computer terminals (Cx2)report some gains in the (Gadd4x2)values of copper and (F∆7x4)tin
While American businessmen
(Cx2)snap up Van Goghs
For the
(Gadd4x2)price of a hospital (Cx4)wing

Final Chorus -

| |C - - |C - - |F∆7 - |F∆7 - - | | x 2

  |Am - - - |Am - - - |F∆7 - |F∆7 - - 

  |Gadd4 - |Gadd4 - - |F∆7 - |F∆7 - - 

| |C - - |C - - |F∆7 - |F∆7 - - | | x 2

  |Am - - - |Am - - - |F∆7 - |F∆7 - - 

  |Gadd4 - |Gadd4 - - |F∆7 - |F∆7 - - 

  |C - - |C - - |F∆7 - |F∆7 - - 

  |C - - |C - - |C 


And (Cx2)nothing ever (F∆7x2)happens (Cx2nothing happens at (F∆7x2)all
 (Amx2)needle returns to the (F∆7x2)start of the song
And we
 (Gadd4x2)all sing along like be(F∆7x2)fore

And (Cx2)nothing ever (F∆7x2)happens (Cx2nothing happens at (F∆7x2)all
(Amx2)burn down the synagogues (F∆7x2)at six o'clock
And we
 (Gadd4x2)al go along like be(F∆7x2)fore

And we'll
 (Cx2)all be lonely to(F∆7x2)night and lonely to(Cx2)morrow

Final Chord Strum: C

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Orange Pick Level

Nothing Ever Happens Chords And Strumming, Del Amitri

Open Chords: (capo fret 5)

Open C chord

Open Csus2 chord: x30010

Open Fmaj7 chord (F∆7)                 

Open G chord

Open Am chord, Open Am7 chord

Open D chord


"Waltz Steps":    |D    D U D U |

"1 Strum":         |D               |

Tempo: 213 bpm Key: F

Intro -

|C - - |C Csus2 - |C - - |C Csus2 -

|C - - |C Csus2 - |C - - |C - -

Verse 1 -

|C - - |C Csus2 - |C - - |C Csus2 -

  |Am7 - - - |Am7 - - - |Am7 - - - |Am7 - - - | | x 2

|F∆7 - - |F∆7 - - |C -|C - - |

  |G - - |G - - |F∆7 - - |F∆7 - - | | x 2

  |F∆7 - |F∆7 - -

  |C - - |C - - |F∆7 - |F∆7 - - 

  |C - - |C Csus2 - |C - - |C - - 

(Cx4)Post office clerks put up signs saying "Position (Am7x4)Closed"
(Cx4)secretaries turn off typewriters and put on their (Am7x4)coats
(F∆7x2)janitors padlock the (Cx2)gates
For se
(Gx2)curity guards to pa(F∆7x2)trol
(F∆7x2)bachelors phone up their (Cx2)friends for a drink
While the
(Gx2)married ones turn on a (F∆7x4)chat show
And they'll
(Cx2)all be lonely to(F∆7x2)night and lonely to(Cx4)morrow

Verse 2 -

|C - - |C Csus2 - |C - - |C Csus2 - 

  |Am7 - - - |Am7 - - - |Am7 - - - |Am7 - - - | | x 2

  |F∆7 - - |F∆7 - - |C - - |C - - |

  |G - - |G - - |F∆7 - |F∆7 - - |

  |F∆7 - - |F∆7 - -

  |C - - |C - - |G - - |G - - |

  |F∆7 - - |F∆7 - - |F∆7 - |F∆7 - - 


(Cx4)"Gentlemen time please, you know we can't serve any(Am7x4)more"
Now the
(Cx4)traffic lights change to stop, when there's nothing to (Am7x4)go
And by
(F∆7x2)five o'clock everything's (Cx2)dead
(Gx2)every third car is a (F∆7x4)cab
And ignorant people
(Cx2)sleep in their beds
Like the
(Gx2)doped white mice in the (F∆7x4)college lab

Chorus -

| |C - - |C - - |F∆7 - |F∆7 - - | | x 2

  |Am - - - |Am - - - |F∆7 - |F∆7 - - 

  |G - - |G - - |F∆7 - |F∆7 - - |

  |C - - |C - - |F∆7 - |F∆7 - - 

  |C - - |C Csus2 - |C - - |C - - 

And (Cx2)nothing ever (F∆7x2)happens (Cx2nothing happens at (F∆7x2)all
(Amx2)needle returns to the (F∆7x2)start of the song
And we
(Gx2)all sing along like be(F∆7x2)fore
And we'll
(Cx2)all be lonely to(F∆7x2)night and lonely to(Cx4)morrow

Verse 3 -

|C - - |C Csus2 - |C - - |C Csus2 - 

  |Am7 - - - |Am7 - - - |Am7 - - - |Am7 - - - | | x 2

  |F∆7 - - |F∆7 - - |C - - </